10 things to do while unemployed. (Hint: its not find a job)

1) Start an "Unemployed-Posse"
My friend (whom asked to be unidentified) started his own club for others unemployed like him.
2) Go bug your friends at their work environment
This is a great way to see your friends, but don't flaunt your lifestyle around here too much or you may be offered a job.
3) Start a blog
Blogs are a great excuse to lie in bed ALLLL day and write a couple fun items for others to enjoy.
4) Watch old re-runs of Lakers Hardwood Classics!
No better way to spend a beautiful day in Santa Barbara then locking yourself in your garage and watching replays of old Laker games! Magic, Worthy, Cooper, Scott, Rambis, Kareem... AWESOME!
5) Whatta about grabbin a sauna at the local YMCA???
Sauna's are fun great way to blow off some steam. Just make sure you go to the Montecito YMCA, the sauna at the Hollister YMCA is ... just don't go there.
6) Start a tab somewhere
A tab or credit are great ways to take a break from your routine of being a "poor disappointment" and have some fun out on the town!
7) Pitch a tent!
Got some old camping gear stowed away somewhere? Now is a great time to whip that stuff out and see how its holding up!

8) Gotta sweet-tooth? Head to the bank!
Banks have all sorts of neat stuff! Coffee, tea, candy! I recommend the Santa Barbara Bank & Trust on Nogales by Cottage Hospital.
Honestly if you've gotten this far then you are a wiser man than I!
But... There's always: Steal a boat, watch reruns of Murder She Wrote, see how many oyster shooters you can take at Brophy Brothers, make a BLT, read that book about hikes in Santa Barbara but don't actually go on any hikes, bring out your old Legos...